Friday 11 October 2013

Thursday 10 October 2013

Three more QSO's

Getting ready for JOTA 2013

Hamshpere is an excellent opportunity to pratice amateur radio, and since I don't have a real ham radio station, I can pratice and be prepared for the Jamboree on the air.
This year I will be on board of a new scout station, the callsign is CR5NMV.

My first QSL card on Hamsphere

Thank you Gary (26HS4006) for the QSO, my first on Hamsphere.
73's from CT2KJW.

CT2KJW is back on Hamsphere!

That's right! After a long period without QSO's, only altered during JOTA, I have found Hamsphere! Now I have the oportunity to pratice something that I really love, ham radio.

Thursday 1 September 2011

A ground plane antenna for 2 meters... new project.

My new project will be a ground plane antenna for 2 meters like this one...

I already got the material to mount and test it.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

JOTA 2010... CQ, CQ, CQ... CR5APN

Getting ready and prepared for the JOTA 2010...
Soon... in a radio station next to you!